Since 2008 when Romania started developing the regulatory framework for its Renewable Energy Market, we have been involved from the start. Especially in Romania, where the legal situation has never been easy or clear and often changed, zoning, permitting and connecting to the grid was often a job on the edge. From searching for the right development plot through zoning up to commissioning, FHC helps you navigate through the complex regulatory process for renewable energies and to turn your project from potential energy to realized and secured revenue.
Services > Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy

We offer the following services:

Brokerage of Greenfield, Ready to Build & Income-Producing Projects

Creation of Investment Memorandum, Investor Exposé & Capital Market Prospectus

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)

Sale of Green Certificates

Project Management

(Re-)Zoning & Permitting

Grid Connection Analysis

Feasibility Analysis

Valuation of RES-Projects

Financing & Investment Consulting

Profitability Analysis & Financial Modelling (DCF & Cash-Flow Models)

EU-Funds, Grants & Subsidy Advisory
Whether you are an investor, project developer, bank, insurer or operator, if you have interest in a renewable energy project, we are ready to consult and assist. Whether you develop or acquire projects, we offer to be your partner to help guide your organization through all processes to meet the challenges, maximize efficiency and ensure the growth of your renewable energy business. FHC offers to be a developer´s or investor’s “right hand”. We coordinate all activities and deliver a broad range of expertise and comprehensive consulting & advisory services for and at any stage of your project.
For the following types of RES-Projects:





Financing is vital for your renewable energy project. FHC offers financing and investment advice for successful project implementation. We provide valuation reports and prepare extensive financial models for your projects and determine all the relevant cash flows, financing and performance indicators. We are well connected with the regulatory bodies, authorities and relevant players of the RES-environment to stay on top of ever-changing laws and industry trends, and to implement and utilize your project successfully. Our services performed are directly correlated with your project progress and assist you to complete your project within the scheduled timeline and eventually leading it to a profitable operational phase.